Orin Adcox

Orin Adcox
Titles and Organizations

Adjunct Faculty, Computer Game Design, CVPA 
Computer Game Design alumnus, CVPA

Contact Information

Tel: 703-993-7033 (VSGI)
Email: oadcox@gmu.edu


Orin Adcox is an entrepreneur and game developer that co-owns a small game design studio located at the Virginia Serious Game Institute in which he creates Serious Games for various clientele within a myriad of subject matters. This includes everything from aid allocation in foreign countries to evaluating social and emotional skills of young students through games.

When not working at his company, Orin teaches undergraduate classes in Mason’s game design program.


  • BA in Computer Game Design, George Mason University
  • BFA in Art and Visual Technology, George Mason University
  • Masters in Computer Game Design, George Mason University