Team Name: Aegis Studios
Team Members/Credits:
- Arda A. Irmak - Team Lead/Producer, Designer & Artist
- Jon Lister – Leader Programmer, Designer
- Alberto Montalvo - Programmer
- Sal McMahon – Environment Artist
- Anthony Hartman – Programmer & QA
- Arianna Torelli – Sprite/Character Artist
- Derin K. – Character Artist
- Jack Fedak – Sound Artist
- Sean Hur – Sound Artist
Game Name: Isles of Ferum
Game Description: IOF (Isles of Ferum) is an adventure game with a focus on narrative and puzzles. However, IOF uniquely features combat mechanics aside from the rich dialogue and narrative puzzles that come with it. The player will not only face difficult decisions and trials but will also fight difficult enemies in turn-based combat. Combat is however not limited to hand to hand, and one of the main features of the game, sailing from island to island, also involves naval combat! You will need to fight off pirates and Omegan scouts in the region when it becomes unavoidable. As Sir Occam, the player will be sailing through many different islands in Ferum with many different themes inspired by Ancient Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe. The player will progress by going through these various obstacles and defeating the cult leader in every island until he finds the over-arching head of the cult.